What is an FLD (Fluorescent Light Daylight) Filter and How to Use It

A camera lens filter is a small piece of glass or resin that attaches to the front of your lens to modify the light that enters the camera. There are many different types of filters available, each with its own specific purpose. One common type of filter is the FLD filter, also known as a "Fluorescent Light Daylight" filter. This filter is designed to correct the color cast caused by fluorescent lighting, which often appears as a green or yellow tint in photographs.

What is Fluorescent Lighting and Why it Creates a Color Cast

Fluorescent lighting is a common type of lighting found in many indoor settings, such as offices, schools, and homes. Fluorescent lights use a low-pressure mercury vapor to create light, and they emit a wide spectrum of light that includes ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths. While this type of lighting is efficient and cost-effective, it can cause problems for photographers.

The issue with fluorescent lighting is that it often creates a color cast in photographs that can make the image appear unnatural. This color cast is typically a green or yellow tint, and it can be especially noticeable in skin tones, making people look sickly or unwell. This is where an FLD filter comes in.

How the FLD Filter Works

An FLD filter is specifically designed to neutralize the color cast caused by fluorescent lighting. It works by blocking the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths of light that are responsible for the color cast, while allowing visible light to pass through. This results in a more accurate and true-to-life color representation in your photographs.

How to Use an FLD Filter

Using an FLD filter is relatively simple. First, make sure that your camera is set to the correct white balance setting, as this will affect the final image. Next, attach the filter to the front of your lens, making sure that it is securely in place. When shooting under fluorescent lighting, you'll notice that your images may have a green or yellow cast to them. By using the FLD filter, you can neutralize these colors and ensure that your images have accurate and true-to-life colors.

Other Uses of FLD Filter

It's worth noting that FLD filters can also be used in other lighting situations, such as shooting under mercury vapor lights or sodium vapor lights. In such cases, the filter will help to remove the yellow or orange color cast that is common in these types of light.

It's also important to note that when you use an FLD filter, you might lose some of the light, so it's recommended to use a tripod and/or a higher ISO or aperture.

An FLD camera lens filter is a useful tool for photographers to correct color cast caused by fluorescent lighting. It can help you to achieve more accurate and true-to-life colors in your photographs, and it's a great way to ensure that your indoor photographs look as good as possible. It's easy to use, and it can also be used in other lighting situations as well. Make sure to keep an FLD filter in your camera bag, and you'll be ready to tackle any lighting situation that comes your way.


  • • Corrects the color cast caused by fluorescent lighting, resulting in more accurate and true-to-life colors in photographs.
  • • Can neutralize the green or yellow tint that often appears in images taken under fluorescent lighting.
  • • Can also be used in other lighting situations, such as shooting under mercury vapor lights or sodium vapor lights, to remove yellow or orange color cast.
  • • Easy to use, simply attach to the front of the lens.
  • • A cost-effective solution for improving the quality of indoor photographs.
  • • Can be used in conjunction with other camera settings, such as white balance and ISO, to achieve the desired result.
  • • Can be used with a wide variety of cameras, whether it's a DSLR, mirrorless, or point-and-shoot.
  • • Lightweight and compact, easy to carry in your camera bag.
  • • Durable, can be used for a long time if handled with care.

By using an FLD filter on your camera lens, you'll be able to take better-looking indoor photographs. The filter neutralizes the color cast caused by fluorescent lighting, resulting in more accurate and true-to-life colors in your images. It's easy to use, and it's a cost-effective solution for improving the quality of your indoor photographs. With an FLD filter in your camera bag, you'll be ready to tackle any lighting situation that comes your way.

Hopefully, this blog gave you insight into how to use FLD Filters properly and how they can improve your shots! Here at Camera Drop, we specialize in camera gear that helps you to take the perfect photo/video! Visit our store to see what we have to offer! And make sure to check out our FLD Filter!